Former Harrison Avenue Landfill (Now Cramer Hill Waterfront Park)

In accordance with New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Administrative Order 2021-25, the Camden Redevelopment Agency (CRA) hosted a Public Meeting on Thursday, September 15th via Zoom for the purpose of receiving oral and/or written comments on its Title V Air Permit Application for the former Harrison Avenue Landfill site (now Cramer Hill Waterfront Park.)  The requested Title V Air Permit will allow for permanent operation of the landfill gas collection and control system. The meeting also served as public notice for the next step of the ongoing groundwater investigation for the closure and remediation of the former Harrison Avenue Landfill site. 
Residents and other interested parties were encouraged to attend the hearing during which CRA provided information regarding the installation of off-site temporary groundwater monitoring wells, which will be located between North 20th Street and Hayes Street in the City of Camden. 
CRA is working to meet NJDEP requirements for monitoring and remediation of the groundwater contamination plume that extends from Harrison Avenue towards River Avenue in Cramer Hill.  The current phase of work being conducted through CRA’s Environmental Consultant Brownfield Redevelopment Solutions, Inc. (BRS) and the Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) TRC Environmental Corp. involves siting sentinel monitoring wells outside of the plume to assess the conditions of the ground water over time. The installation of the monitoring wells will necessitate a temporary sidewalk closure, and we will comply with all City of Camden permitting and other requisites. 
Recording of the Public Hearing

BRS and TRC Presentation